
  • Error: Had to refactor landing page but i did it on files 3 months old and when i replaced it, i lost all production files.
  • Solution: Took his page cache from the last day using a google tool and copied all production html from this day to backup.

  • Error: Added a hard to load database query (worked on dev but not in prod on a core system function, what leaded to get the platform down.
  • Solution: Optimized the way we save the data, created methods to consolidate that data instead of doing it dynamically while being minded about differences between dev and prod environments.

  • Error: Needed to be a mentor to an intern but micromanaged him a lot.
  • Solution: Started giving more space and reliability for the stakeholder, trying to show the way I’d usually do some task as a way and not the only correct way.

  • Error: After micromanaging an intern, I’ve tried to give more freedom to others, but I gave so much
  • Solution: Now I’m minded that there are moments that you don’t need to give so much freedom, so the best way to know it is by asking yourself: …This dev has enough experience on our system to make it without workarounds, following patterns, etc? …Is this part, a core one that needs to stay organized, good pattern followed, etc?

  • Error: After getting into a lead position, I kept doing work thinking only on myself (it was expected since I worked alone for a long time on the organization)
  • Solution: Now at a lead position, I try to to impact positively all the team (in a scalable way, per example)

  • Error: After getting into a lead position, I had to delegate a task but I did a hard one and had to get part of it to get it solved.
  • Solution: Now I’m aware that I need to know more about the people I want to delegate and more about the task as well (if it is hard or not to be solved by the person I want to delegate to), on top of that, even if I delegate something harder, I need to give resources/opinions to help getting the problem solved without taking full part of it.

  • Error: Almost gave source code access for a person outside the organization just in order to test some integration.
  • Solution: In case other organizations need to make integration tests with our platform, we only need to create a QA Environment to help them testing the integration, without getting in touch with source code.

  • Error: I didn’t walk the talk when I gave support to a dev to create a feature (usually I add a feature with a feature flag and after some production tests I deploy it to all customers), so the feature was deployed with an error on a core part of the system.
  • Solution: It is important to recommend the good things we do, since it can help a lot of people around us.

  • Error: I did not give feedback for bad behavior since I was worried about what the person would think about it.
  • Solution: I got the idea that all kind of feedback need to be given, it does not matter if it is a good or a bad one, it needs to be given. So the most important thing is to understand how to give it (usually as soon as possible and in a way that you do not make any offense to the person in case it is a feedback for bad behavior) since you must not avoid doing that.

  • Error: I did not give the opportunity for the new developer to solve the problems that were assigned to him (I was like a parent trying to do all the stuffs for its children).
  • Solution: Now I understand that letting the developer solve the problem that is assigned to him creates an improved sense of responsibility and at the same time helps improving its skills. So in case I feel that a developer is getting a lot of time stuck at a problem, I do not solve it for him, instead I give some tips and some ideas to help him doing that.

  • Error: I used to make code reviews and consider a different way to solve a problem wrong since it was different of mine.
  • Solution: I was able to understand there are a lot of different ways to solve a problem and in case it does not match some particularities such as good maintainability and readability, it is good to discuss this solution in other to understand why it was made that way and if we need to improve it or not.

  • Error: In the moments I helped in hiring processes by reviewing the code challenges, I focused only on stuffs that sometimes are not the best ones to describe someone’s competence (such as frameworks being used, etc.).
  • Solution: Now when reviewing code challenges for hiring processes, I try to understand solution logic, usage of basic concepts of language and all other stuffs that indicates the developer’s base knowledge and competence to solve a problem.

  • Error: I used to go crazy when being at a chaotic environment (like constantly caming across with a lot of problems at the same time everyday).
  • Solution: Since I understood how bad it is to be super affected by problems and to complain about them instead of solving them, now I just take on the problem and try to solve it, without losing time complaining about it.